Thursday, 11 December 2008

It's not the size of the wave, it's the motion of the ocean...

At 13.08 Lord Flange's red defender slammed home a terrific goal that brought about a long overdue win which brought a tear to the eyes of GOD himself, to which GOD I refer to is left down to the readers opinion. This famous victory supported views made earlier in this blog made by top scientists that Lord Flange is truely making a come back. Shakker's is consequently back to the drawing board as his outdated tactics are evidently prooving fatal game after game, leaving spectators wondering who is Mike? Boris Johnson, Mayer of London, spoke after the game, "This match have been an inspiration to us all, in this light I shall be watching Lord Flange eagerly, as the 2012 Olympics loom closer day by day." 10-6 was the final score after being 5-2 down, demonstrating a player who can raise hopes and crush them in a non so pugnacious maner.

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